Green End Road, Cambridge


Green End Road, Cambridge


Green End Road, Cambridge

Year: 2021
Client: Developer
Location: Cambridge
Sector: Residential
Status: Construction

Our client approached us with an infill site along Green End Road with the aim of maximising the site’s full potential. Planning officers were initially resistant to the development, citing concerns over the impact on neighbouring gardens but the final design has been carefully and sensitively designed to respond to the character of the road and adjoining neighbours.

The proposal is for a modest 1½ storey two bedroom dwelling with parking to the front of the site for future occupants. An offset gable approach was adopted e with low eaves to the gardens ensuring no overbearing impact or sense of enclosure to their amenity areas. This height is not considered to have any particular adverse impact on the appearance of the street scene, nor cause any significant loss of amenity to adjoining residents.

The planning officer felt the proposed development incorporates a design of exceptionally high quality that provides significant visual enhancements to the site.


26 July 2022


25 Cromwell Road, Cambridge CB1 3EB
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