196 Green End Road, Cambridge


196 Green End Road, Cambridge


196 Green End Road, Cambridge

Year: 2023
Client: Developer
Location: Cambridge
Sector: Commercial/Residential
Status: Construction

We were approached by a local developer to enhance the planning approval on a scheme for 6 apartments. Twenty-Nine Architecture originally appraised the scheme seeking to maximise the site with a mixed use residential/ commercial scheme providing 9 apartments and ground floor commercial space.

The proposals were unanimously approved at planning committee with the committee making it known the scheme was of a high quality design which was also reinforced by the Urban Design officer. We were inspired by the local context and recent trend of development in the area and the building’s elevations reference the rhythm and finishes of the Victorian houses found locally. High-quality brick and stone detailing integrates the new development seamlessly with the surrounding vernacular and will provide a unique and positive built form contributing to the council’s goals in the regeneration of the area.


24 July 2023


Commercial, Residential
25 Cromwell Road, Cambridge CB1 3EB
Registered Office: Musgrave Farm, Fen Ditton, Cambridge CB5 8SZ. Company Registration No: 10771923. Registered in England and Wales VAT Regs No: 268675841.
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