Longstanton Road, Over


Longstanton Road, Over


Longstanton Road, Over

Year: 2021
Client: Private
Location: Cambridge
Sector: Residential
Status: Planning Approved

We were approached by private client who wanted to maximise the potential of their large house within the village of Over. The proposals sought the erection of 1No. 2 storey detached dwelling and 2No. 1.5 storey detached properties to the rear of garden of the existing house.

The units have been perceived to address the character of the area and its neighbouring properties to provide a positive built form on a windfall site. The proposal makes reference to the local character in terms of scale, massing and density to provide a high-quality scheme within the area. Due to its location, it was considered at an early design stage that the development should be of the highest quality whilst incorporating a character that is capable of joining the ensemble in the streetscape.

The layout has been greatly determined by the sites’ orientation, relation to the neighbouring properties and character of the area whilst making best use of the available land. The existing site currently consists of various timber-built outbuildings which are to be demolished to make way for the new dwellings and previous garden land of the adjoining dwelling.


05 November 2021


25 Cromwell Road, Cambridge CB1 3EB
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